Tag: Programming

How not to suck as a new developer

How can you possibly perform well in this type of environment — either right out of college, boot camp, or even potentially self-taught? The good news is that we do not expect you to know everything day one. Expectations on junior team levels are fairly narrow.

Name your Constraints

This is a short and sweet article discussing the importance of naming database constraints. It’s written from the perspective of someone mostly familiar with SQL Server databases.

Common .NET Gotchas

.NET Development and C# in particular have come a long way over the years. I’ve been using it since beta 2 in 2001 and I love it, but there are some common gotchas that are easy to make when you’re just getting started. Throwing Exception If you need to throw […]

Impostor Syndrome and Outliers

What does a classic business book have to say about developers and impostor syndrome? My wife and I listened to the first half of Malcolm Gladwell’s Outlier’s on Audible today on a road trip. The book studies successful individuals and the factors that make them successful. One of the factors […]

From Dev to Manager

Want it or dread it, sometimes as developers we move from individual contributor to a team lead or management type of role. This is a drastic shift in skills needed and one frequently done without official training. How do we improve our chances of success when others are on the […]